The current electronic EPA Waste Transport Certificate system will be replaced by Waste Tracker.
On Friday, July 16, 2021, the Waste Tracker Certificate system will be shut down.
By this date, all waste transport certificates must be issued, and EPA will take compliance measures against any certificates that are not received.
What is Waste Tracker
Waste Tracker is a waste management system and a modern way for tracking priority waste that needs to be recorded. It would enable the EPA to monitor waste handling in real-time across the state. This data will allow EPA to detect any suspicious activity and aid their compliance work.
When Is It Expected To Rollout
On the 27th of May 2021, The EPA Portal is expected to be accessible and the users can build a portal account.
In late June 2021, the Waste Tracker is expected to be operational and on the 1st of July 2021, the users can begin planning waste records for movement.
On the 16th of Jul 2021, the current system for issuing electronic Waste Transport Certificates will be closed and EPA anticipates receiving all waste transport certificates within seven days of receipt. Any outstanding waste transport certificates may be subject to enforcement action.
Waste Tracker System Training
To assist the users in learning the new process, training materials have been made available by EPA.
On the 23rd of February 2021, the Waste Tracker webinar was held.
The webinar gave attendees an overview of Waste Tracker and allowed them to ask questions about the new system.
We at CSA Specialised Services have taken steps in training our staff to assist them in learning the process. We have made the link of the EPA Waste Tracker webinar available on our internal communication site for the operators and office staff. We have also made Waste Tracker Training useful links available on our communication site for our entire team.